A Surefire Sky-Rocket Your Personal Brand

If You Have A Business, Some Testimonials, And Aren’t Boring As Dog Sh*t, The Power Pitch Program Will Make You A Highly Paid, In-Demand Expert—No Matter Your Niche Or Specialty..




Let's Face It..

You’re here because you have a problem.

Actually, you have a few problems.

You’re good at what you do, you have testimonials, but suck at marketing and are worried about being ripped off by all these shady agencies that keep dming you, promising you the world.

You see your competitors with less experience and worse results get more press and brand recognition…while you don’t even show up on the first page of Google for your own name, product, or service.

Your problem is marketing.

No one knows about you.

Your problem is branding.

No one knows how you’re different.

People need to know what you do because, otherwise, you’ll go out of business.

The question is “How do you fix this problem without spending money, wasting time, or trusting a random internet marketing company?”

What if there’s a way to get all the publicity and press your business needs without spending a dime?

What if people could find out what you do without you having spend a few moments doing research?

What if, instead sending one email to one person that MIGHT be opened, you send one *message* to one person who is regularly in front of thousands of people who love to hear about things to spend their money on.

Here’s A Semi-Passive 6-Figure Income Riddle For You.

If you answer it correctly, you’ll solve all of your marketing problems without spending a dime, taking too much time, or any exposure to risk.

"What’s faster than paid traffic, cheaper than organic reach, hits more people than an influencer shoutout, and establishes more trust than a video testimonial?"

If you said “Podcasts,” you’re light years ahead of other coaches, consultants, service providers, and businesses.

But if you knew the answer, then why aren’t you taking advantage of podcasting?

You think you need to have a studio, buy equipment, find guests, come up content, and a following to market it to.

All of those things cost you more time and money with ZERO guarantee of getting anything from it. You’re already busy trying to make a living.

The LAST thing you need is to take on a new unproven venture.

That’s why you’re NOT going to start a new podcast.

You’re going to get on podcasts that already have already built your perfect audience.

Sounds so simple, right?

Of course it is, but just because something is simple doesn’t mean that it’s easy. That’s where we come in…

The Power Pitch Program - The New Way To Grow Your Brand And Get High Paying Opportunities

Becoming a guest on a podcast is the ultimate solution.

The host has built up an organic, engaged audience that is statistically proven to buy based on their recommendations—and for that podcast to continue being a success they want—no NEED—guests like you.

The show host wins because they keep getting phat sponsorship dollars, the audience wins because they get highly relevant services and products pitched right to them, and you win because you

👉 Build your reputation

👉 Gain a following

👉Increase your credibility and “Googleability”

👉 Make more money

Without having to:

❌ Buy useless features in Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Yahoo Fiance

❌ Pay for shoutouts from influencers who have artificially inflated follower counts

❌ Spend hours a day building a random following who might not care about your service or product

❌ Sending out random emails and DMs with a “spray and pray” approach

✅ Y
ou get all the press and publicity that your business needs, all without spending a dime.

✅ By spending a little bit of time, you can once again take advantage of the concept of leverage.

Instead sending one email to one person that MIGHT be opened, you send one *message* to one person who is regularly in front of thousands of people who love to hear about things to spend their money on.

And I'm going to show you how to do this even if nobody knows who you are right now.

No email list? No social media? No press? No problem!

Consider the following stats gathered from Podcastinginsights.com, MusicOmph and Edison Research:

☑️ In 2019, 51% of Americans had listened to a podcast & 37% listened to a podcast at least once per month.

☑️ In 2020, the average weekly podcast listener listened to 6 hours and 39 minutes of podcasts per week.

☑️ Average income of podcast listener: $250,000/yr69% of listeners say that podcasts introduced them to new products

☑️ 54% say hearing about something on a podcast they’re regular listeners of made them more likely to purchase it

☑️ 38% report purchasing something because it was mentioned on a podcast

Podcasts audiences are growing and they are filled with the type of people who are both highly interested in your niche AND can afford your service.

☑️ Even better, this audience will continue to rise into the foreseeable future.

☑️ Being a podcast guest is one of the best ways to leverage your time and everyone wins.

☑️ The podcast host gets a great guest to fill another episode

☑️ The audience gets to learn something about new about a favorite subject of theirs

☑️ You get a perfect market match for your product services

The benefits are obvious and overwhelming!

There's A Reason This Works...

The only question is “Well how do I get booked on all of these podcasts?”

You Don't Need

This is EXACTLY what you’ll learn how to do inside of the Podcast Power Pitching For Profit.

❌ A fancy publicist

❌ Big social media following

❌ Virtual assistant sending out endless pitches, emails, and dms

That stuff helps, but using the tools in this workshop has helped me get my message and product in front of thousands, and I don’t have any of that.

In fact, I don’t have a:

Massive social media platform.

I barely have 7k followers on facebook, and I follow half of themback.

Website that gets thousands of visitors per month.

I write on Medium and only have 33 followers there.

Crazy claim to fame.

When you try to Google me, I don’t even show up on the first 2 pages for my own name.

But I’ve still been able to get booked on podcasts like:

✅ The Mind Body Business Show (1k listeners per episode)

✅The Riser Podcast

✅ Hacks & Hobbies (4k listeners per episode)

✅ The Morning Upgrade (2k listeners per episode)

✅ Grow Your Impact, Influence, & Income (1.5k listeners per episode)

✅ Business Growth Architect (2k listeners per episode)

✅ Fearless Freedom with Dr. G (2k listeners per episode)

✅ Boi Meets Wellness (2k listeners per episode)

And make over $200,000 a year promoting my hypnotherapy business.

If I can do it, you DEFINITELY can.

So how do you find the shows, pitch them, and set yourself to be a great guest where it’s damn near criminal that you don’t pitch your products and services?

What’s the secret that in this short 60 minute workshop that will easily pay for itself if you have something to sell or a story to tell?

“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated”


This module teaches how to be the type of guest that not only gets invited back but picks up other podcast spots.

You’ll learn how to approach every single interview and answer every single question in a way that basically forces listeners to put themselves into your front end funnel.

In short, you'll learn how to be a guest in a way that turns each interview into an EVERGREEN sales funnel that pulls in sales as you sleep.

Start The Course

It’s not what you say, but how you say it.

This module shows you how to craft your pitch so that it doesn’t get ignored.

In the social media era, it’s easy to reach out to people.

This is good AND bad.

Good because this means that you can hit them up.

Bad, because it means that everyone else can—AND THEY DO.

So podcast hosts are overwhelmed with shitty pitches from people who haven’t done their research, and are unprepared, poorly formatted, uninspiring drivel.

This model will teach you the fool-proof way to pitch podcast hosts.

If you did the pregame and the show hunt phase properly, this should be a layup.

But we’re not done yet. Everything until now was getting you down the field.

You’re on the 1-yard line. This next module is how you’re going to score.

Step 4: Profit Guesting 💰

It’s not just about getting on any podcast that will have you.

You want to find the perfect combination of a show that has the right audience, the right sized audience, and the proper channels for reach.

I will show you how to do your homework to not only find these shows but how to research their stats to make sure that the audience is the right size.

Not all podcasts are created equal, so we want to make sure we target the best shows.

I teach you the system I use for research and organization so you know exactly which shows you have the best chances of getting on and make the most sense for you to pitch your shot.

Step 3: Power Pitching 🚀

Step 1: Creating A Profit Center 🤑

There’s no point in getting in front of thousands of potential customers if you don’t have something to sell them or, at the very least, a way to capture their information and keep in touch with them.

This module might seem basic but it’s absolutely essential to make this course work for you.

I’m assuming that you already have a product.

This module is just going to go over the list of everything you need to ensure this entire process runs smoothly for you and actually brings in paying customers and clients.

Step 2: Power Research 🕵️

The Power Pitch Breakdown

It’s That Simple, But That’s Why No One Is Talking About It

When someone convinces you that something is hard, you’ll pay them to make it simple.

When someone tells you that something is hidden, you’ll pay them to reveal.

When someone says they have the secret formula, your response is to call bullshit.

Well, you’re not gonna pay me for any of that because I’m gonna BS you.

This system is simple, easy, and it is no secret.

All I’ve done is put it together in an easy to follow format. If you want, you can easily figure this stuff out the hard way.

I’m selling you time, efficacy, and results. You don’t need another complicated secret.

You need something fast, reliable, and easy.

That’s what Power Pitch Program is all about.

What You'll Discover Inside The Course

Start The Course
  • The Power Research Process - easily find top .5% to 5% podcast (in less than one hour a week)
  • The “One Shot” power pitch template that takes me from a stranger to a fire hot and resounding YES (without the need to follow up)
  • The email pitch you should never send that is recommended by other "podcast booking" experts. Send these emails and you're sure to get ignored.
  • Power Guesting: Learn how to turn each podcast booking into an EVERGREEN high converting sales funnel that pulls in high-ticket (and low ticket) purchases.
  • Examples of pitches I've sent to top ranking shows that landed me a YES on top 1% (or higher shows) along with scripts and templates so you can model them.

Plus....You Get This CRAZY Bonus For FREE

(Only Available For 48 Hours From The Moment You Opened This Link)

Now that you’re about to start filling up your email list with hot leads through podcasting, what do you do with them?

Leave them to sit in your inbox and collect virtual dust?

Absolutely not!

You need an email sequence to follow up and convert those leads, otherwise, what's the point?

Email Magic From A 9-Figure Copywriter

But Let's Be Honest...

Writing an email sequence that actually converts can be tough, especially if you don't know what works.

That's why I want to share with you an underground email writing system that has generated hundreds of millions of dollars for people in over 400 marketplaces…

You see, when I first started getting leads through podcast guesting I personally struggled with creating a high-converting email sequence to follow up with them.

Even though I considered myself a good copywriter, I had no idea how to craft an entire email sequence that worked.

That was until I was introduced to this underground A-lister who has generated over $900M for various companies and niches in the last 15 years.

This guy has written for everyone from Jay Abraham, Tony Robbins, Ryan Levesque, and some of the biggest companies in the marketplace today -- in every niche imaginable.

Adil Amarsi, 9-Figure Copywriter

"Adil is an artist at this stuff."

-Ryan Levesque

Founder of The Ask Method

After generating over $900M with the power of copywriting, I asked Adil if he'd be willing to give my students the opportunity to get their hands on the email framework he used to make it happen.

Luckily, he already has a course where he shows people how to write highly profitable email welcome sequences so that leads turn into buyers within 7 days of joining your email list.

He charges $1997 to get access to this course.However, I negotiated with him to give you a deal he doesn't offer anywhere else.

For the first time ever:

Adil is giving you access to his email writing course where he teaches you the frameworks that are responsible for hundreds of millions of dollars of sales for a single payment of only $97.

Here's What's Inside....

Email #1: Welcome to the party, pal!

The welcome email is one of the most powerful emails you could have in your arsenal.

By getting this email wrong, you'll be burning your new subscribers right out of the gate.

Doing this right, however, will not only build your authority, but also establish your positioning, and most importantly...

Create a powerful bond between your readers and yourself.

In Email 1, we will cover:

👉 How to structure your welcome emailWhat to include and what actions your customers need to take

👉 The heavy, psychological stuff you need to know (don't worry I make this fun and memorable)

👉 How to come up with your own subject lines for your first email

And so much more!

Email #2: Let's go on a date..

Email #2 is all about knowing your subscriber, building that bond even deeper while starting to wine and dine them... proverbially of course.

Inside Email #2, I'm going to share:

👉 What the next steps are to keep your open rates highHow to keep your audience captivated, entertained, and informed

👉 Why people screw this up (and how to fix it if you already screwed it up before)

👉 How to use stories from your everyday life for evergreen email sequences

And so much more!

This is a bit of a 2-parter, similar to how this email sequence is a 1-2 punch combo.

I'm going to share how you can combine 2 forms of email writing styles to create the perfect content and promotional emails, while also giving your audience Edutainment (Educational entertainment).

So in Email #3 & 4, we're going to cover:

👉 How to create the right type of content to get your readers salivating to read your email

👉 Why you want to cleverly disguise your content in a story

👉 How to craft your story contentLink placement (advanced)

And much more.

🎁 Bonus (sorta) Including a book and video recommendation pdf that will help you with this module (you either own these books/audiobooks and the videos are free on YouTube).

Email #3 & 4: The 1-2 Setup

Email #4 Expanded: A Call To Arms

This is going to be the latter part of email #4.

Specifically, we're going to be going over how you can write a very subtle pitch into this email that leads off email #3's story.

This is the part 2 that you've been waiting for.

Essentially, I'm going to show you how to write your own version of Empire Strikes Back (Yeah Star Wars references happen!)

I'm going to share:

👉 How to write a subtle pitch into your email story

👉 Why your audience will appreciate this

👉 How to easily ask for the sale in an email or to get the click you want.

So by now, we've reached a point in your journey where might start to wonder...

"What the hell do I write about now?"

This is a question I do get asked by my private students quite often.

In Email #5, I'm going to reveal:

👉 The email story formula I use to easily craft emails (even when I don't feel creative)

👉 How to craft emails that are entertaining and share your philosophy with your audience

👉 Where, in your everyday life, you can find a treasure trove of stories

The power of lists

And so much more...

Email #5: Adventure awaits (Stories and more):

In Email #6, you would've pitched your product a handful of times and might feel like you're bombarding your audience to just keep buying.

But that's not a mistake, how you go about it, however... That may be.

So I'm going to show you how you can use Case studies to drive home your points and trigger the desire to buy your products and services.

In Email #6 - you'll uncover:

👉What sorts of case studies to use

How to leverage testimonialsHow to ask for testimonials

Why they work and how to pitch your product in a welcome manner

When to use these types of emails and more

Email #6: Case Studies

As we reach our 7th email in this series.

What you're going to be given here is the template I use as a pitch template.

This means you're going to be selling from this email.

A lot of people don't feel comfortable asking for the sale but I'm going to give you a simple way to do so in emails.

On top of that, the formulas I share with you throughout this will enable you to keep writing beyond 7 emails and add to your autoresponder series.

In Email #7 we're going to cover:

👉 How to write a sales email.

👉 Why they work

👉 How to use my formulas and emails sequences for further emails down the line

Email #7: Finalization & Continuation

Value = $1997

FOR FREE As A Gift For Getting The Power Pitch Program Today

(Because We Want To Make It Super Hard To Say No)

Plus Some EXTRA Bonuses From Adil

Bonus #2: Email Formatting For Influence

You'll receive a video where I discuss how to write perfect P.S.'s with your emails that sum up your emails and make your offer and clicks far more persuasive.

Bonus #1: The Profitable PS Report

This goes without being taught many times, but this mini-report is exactly what you need in order to know how to best format your emails so they're not only read but rather, influential and retained in your reader's mind.

Value $97 For FREE

Value $97 For FREE




Here's A Summary Of What You Get For

Podcast Power Pitching For Profit ($497)

☑️ Learn how to find podcasts that have an audience that is a perfect fit for your offers

☑️ Discover how to craft pitches powerful enough that get you booked on these shows with a single cold email.

☑️ Uncover the secrets behind behind turning your interview into an evergreen marketing funnel

☑️ Learn how to craft emails that turn the leads that enter your funnels from podcasting into raving fans and paying customers.

☑️ Discover the secrets to getting your subscribers to stick around and take the actions you want them to take with the very first email.

☑️ Avoid the biggest mistakes that get email marketers stuck in spam or worse...unsubscribed to (do these and your sure to convert little to no leads)

Email Magic: Think Like A Copywriter ($1997 FREE)

☑️ This goes without being taught many times, but this mini-report is exactly what you need in order to know how to best format your emails so they're not only read but rather, influential and retained in your reader's mind.

Bonus #2: Email Formatting For Influence ($97 FREE)

☑️ Discover how to write perfect P.S.'s with your emails that make your offers and call to actions far more persuasive.

The Profitable PS Report ($97 FREE)

TOTAL VALUE = $2688 FOR A ONE-TIME PAYMENT OF $497 (Or 3 Payments Of $166)

